Look here for answers to all of the most common HTML & CSS issues seen in our course
- Downloading & Installing a Font on your Computer
- Why is my background image not showing up in the 'Style your header section ' challenge?
- What do the colors mean in the Skillcrush project editor?
- How do I find errors in my code?
- What are relative URLs vs absolute URLs?
- What is a CSS boilerplate and do I need to use one?
- Can you explain the box model again? How do I determine the correct width of an element when I have a margin and/or padding?
- Why are my images not working?
- Do we really need to use the html entity for em-dash?
- I'm struggling with floats, what could be wrong?
- How do I set up my site folders?
- Do I have to purchase my own domain?
- [VIDEO] DEV SNACK: Developer Tools
- Where can I find additional HTML and CSS projects to practice with?
- Do I have to buy two hosting plans if I’m going to take the WordPress Course?
- I've modified the CSS but don't see a change in the browser
- [VIDEO] DEV SNACK: Text Editors & Validators
- Why should a client hire me instead of using a website builder?
- What should my domain name be and should I buy any add-ons?
- What do the errors in my Skillcrush editor mean?