Are you already thinking about your next steps? Here are some places to get started!
- Downloading & Installing a Font on your Computer
- [VIDEO] DEV SNACK: Developer Tools
- [VIDEO] DEV SNACK: Text Editors & Validators
- Why should a client hire me instead of using a website builder?
- What resources do you read/keep current with outside of Skillcrush?
- Should I start networking? How do I start networking?
- Do you have any resources on portfolios?
- Where do I go to learn Python?
- Should I contribute to open source projects as a newbie?
- Why is there a zipper on my folder? How to zip a folder and unzip a zip file.
- Where can I learn more about SEO?
- Create & Send an Invite with Google Calendar
- How do I purchase a domain name and set up a hosting provider?
- Hello CorgiBot!